Networking & Business Resources in the
Lehigh Valley & Beyond
Week of February 9 to February 15
Bridging the Gap: Inclusive Networking Strategies for Meaningful Connections
This week on PowerConnector Conversations, we’re diving into inclusive networking techniques that foster authentic connections and equitable opportunities.
Zoom Link
Uniting talent and opportunity, cultivating a unified workforce to drive growth and opportunity.
Zoom Link
NCC Follett Family Center for Innovation & Entrepreneurship
511 East 3rd StBethlehem 18015
5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
TOPIC: The Art of a Pleasure-Filled Life: How to Thrive in Turbulent TimesLearn how to:• Enhance your resilience
9:00 to 10:00 AM
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 286 651 7166
Passcode: WP1980!
11:30 AM
1:30 PM
Come join us for Business Networking and lunch. Get to know other business owners, professionals, and trades people. Promote and grow your business.
This is an open group. ALL are welcome to attend. No membership fees. Get more contacts and sales.
Still only $20
5:00 PM
7:30 PM
Join Alignable Alliance of Lehigh Valley/Poconos/Berks for an awesome evening of networking and getting to know one another at Delizioso Italian Grill in Macungie! Pizza buffet provided by our sponsor Business Owners Trade Alliance, the region’s largest barter company.
2/18 Friends of Pete Lunch & Learn El Pedios
2/19 -EPBON Speed Networking 5:00 - 7:00 PM
2/20 - Sip and Social Evening
2/21 Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
2/27 Lehigh Valley Elite Network
2/27 Friends of Pete Happy Hour
3/04--Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
3/05- EPBON Lunch Networking: Easton Chapter 11:30 am -1:00 pm
3/06 Coffee Talk- 10:00 - 11:30
3/06 & 3/07 - LadyBoss Summit 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
3/07 Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
3/11 - Sip & Social Mornings
3/11 Friends of Pete Lunch & Learn
3/12 EPBON Lunch Networking: Western Lehigh County 11:30 am -1:00 pm
3/13- Valley Networking 360 - 515
3/20 EPBON Lunch Networking: East Penn Chapter
3/20 Friends of Pete Happy Hour
3/20 - Sip and Social Evening
3/21 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
3/26 - Women's History Month Luncheon at the Delta 11:00 am to 2:00 pm
3/27 Lehigh Valley Elite Network
4/01--Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
4/02- EPBON Lunch Networking: Easton Chapter 11:30 am -1:00 pm
4/04 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
4/08 - Sip & Social Mornings
4/08-10:00 - 11:30- Coffee Talk
04/09 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Western Lehigh County 11:30 am -1:00 pm
4/10 - Friends of Pete Happy Hour
4/17- EPBON Lunch Networking: East Penn Chapter
4/17- Valley Networking 360 -Delta Hotel 4-730
4/17 - Sip and Social Evening
4/18 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
4/24 - Friends of Pete - Lunch & Learn and event at Kutztown University
4/24 - Lehigh Valley Elite Network
4/24- Art Fusion at Fusion Workplace 4:30 - 7:00 pm
4/26 - Clean out your Clutter- Emmaus
5/02- Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
5/06--Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
5/13 - Sip & Social Mornings
5/07 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Easton Chapter 11:30 am -1:00 pm
5/14 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Western Lehigh County 11:30 am -1:00 pm
5/14 - Friends of Pete/Valley Networking 360 Meals on Wheels
5/15 - Think Tank- Jo-ann Temple - United Federal Credit Union
5/15 - Coffee Talk- 10:00 - 11:30 Am
5/15 - EPBON Lunch Networking: East Penn Chapter
5/15 - Sip and Social Evening
5/16 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
5/29 - Lehigh Valley Elite Network
5/30 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
6/03--Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
6/04 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Easton Chapter 11:30 am -1:00 pm
6/10 - Sip & Social Mornings
6/11 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Western Lehigh County 11:30 am -1:00 pm
6/13 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
6/19 - EPBON Lunch Networking: East Penn Chapter
6/19 - Sip and Social Evening
6/26 -Lehigh Valley Elite Network
6/26 Friends of Pete Happy Hour
6/27 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
7/02 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Easton Chapter 11:30 am -1:00 pm
7/08 - Sip & Social Mornings
7/09 - EPBON Lunch Networking: Western Lehigh County 11:30 am -1:00 pm
7/11 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
7/17 - EPBON Lunch Networking: East Penn Chapter
7/17 - Sip and Social Evening
7/25 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
7/31 - Lehigh Valley Elite Network
8/05- -Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
8/07 - Friends of Pete- Happy Hour at the Sun in( musikfest edition)
8/08 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
8/12 - Sip & Social Mornings
8/21- Think Tank- Jo-ann Temple - United Federal Credit Union
8/21 - Sip & Social Evening
8/22 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
8/28- Lehigh Valley Elite Network
9/02 -Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
9/05 -Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
9/09 - Sip & Social Mornings
9/19 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
9/18 - Sip & Social Evening
9/25 - Lehigh Valley Elite Network
10/03 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
10/07 -Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
10/14 - Sip & Social Mornings
10/16 - Friends of Pete Happy Hour
10/16 - Sip & Social Evening
10/17 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
10/30 - Lehigh Valley Elite Network
10/31 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
11/04 -Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
11/11 - Sip & Social Mornings
11/14 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
11/20 - Think Tank- Jo-ann Temple - United Federal Credit Union
11/28 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
12/02-Lehigh Valley Leads Business Group 11:30 am -1:00 pm
12/12 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
12/26 - Lehigh Valley Women Do Business! Coffee, carbs, conversation and connections
Looking to reach a highly engaged audience in the Lehigh Valley?