Show your heart some LOVE
Show your heart some LOVE
Did you know that approximately every 40 seconds, someone in the United States (U.S.) will have a heart attack?
According to the American Heart Association’s 2024 Disease and Stroke Statistics report, someone dies from a stroke every 3 minutes and 14 seconds. Heart disease continues to be the leading cause of death in the U.S. While medical advances have allowed many individuals to live longer with cardiovascular diseases (CVD), risk factors such as high blood pressure and obesity are on the rise at alarming rates. CVD, which includes heart disease and stroke, claims more lives in the U.S. than all forms of cancer and accidental deaths—ranked as the second and third leading causes—combined.
This stark reality underscores the importance of addressing the growing prevalence of these risk factors and improving public health strategies.
Since February is Heart Health Month, I wanted to take a moment to remind you about the four pillars of good health: hydration, nutrition, sleep, and exercise. As your wellness advocate, friendly pharmacist, and Juice Plus partner, I've shared a lot about how these habits support overall health, but did you know they offer specific benefits for your heart as well?
Hydration: Staying well-hydrated makes it easier for your heart to pump blood through your blood vessels, so it doesn’t have to work as hard.
Nutrition: Eating various fruits and vegetables helps keep your heart in good working order. That’s because most produce is rich in vitamin C, beta-carotene, and other protective antioxidants.
Sleep: During restful sleep, your blood pressure goes down, which benefits your heart. If you’re not sleeping enough, your blood pressure will stay higher for more hours of the day.
Exercise: Exercise helps your muscles pull oxygen out of your blood, so your heart doesn’t have to beat as hard. It also lowers your blood pressure and slows your resting heart rate.
According to the Association’s 2025 Statistics Update, U.S. adults continue to struggle with high blood pressure, an unhealthy weight and type 2 diabetes or prediabetes.
By following the tips above, you can start making positive changes to your family’s heart health. Taking care of our hearts through good nutrition, quality sleep, hydration, and staying active is essential for our overall well-being. A strong, healthy heart means more energy, a longer life, and better protection against diseases.
Want more support? Join our Facebook group, Simple Changes for Better Health. It’s a great place for daily health tips, motivation, and accountability as you take steps to improve your health!